Our blog includes posts about a wide range of estate planning topics, including trust-based estate plans, estate planning when you have a disabled adult child, planning as part of a blended family, and planning for charitable giving. To learn more, contact our office to discuss how we can help you create an estate plan that best fits your needs.
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What a Beneficiary Controlled Trust Can Do to Protect Your Legacy After You Are GoneLife is messy sometimes.
On National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day, a Lesson in Life from Mrs. FieldsDid you know that Aug. 4 is National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day?
Britney Spears’ Sad Song … Warning: This Could Happen to YouBeing forced into conservatorship and losing all control over your life isn’t something that just happens in movies.
IRS and Social Security Announce Increased Benefits for 2015IRS and Social Security
Captive Insurance - Lessons to Be Learned From the Avrahami CaseA Captive Insurance Company is a privately owned, legally formed insurance company created to insure the risks of one or more companies owned by the Captive's founder.
Lessons to Learn From Philip Seymour Hoffman
Lessons to Be Learned From Robin Williams' Estate
News on Social Security Benefits: Read All About ItGoralka Law Firm News on Social Security Benefits: Read All About It
The $18 Billion Divorce!Goralka Law Firm | The $18 Billion Divorce!
Why and How to Refuse an Inheritance"Disclaimer" is the legal term for a refusal of an inheritance, and it's defined as an irrevocable and unqualified refusal to accept an interest in property. Let's look at the circumstances in which a disclaimer can be beneficial: To avoid or reduce estate, gift and income taxes. Some states have...
How to Get Your Estate Plan Done While Under Coronavirus QuarantineIf you are quarantined or under a lockdown and can't get to a notary, how can you get your will, trust, and other documents executed? Don't give up. There are ways to get it done without leaving home.
Estate Planning Tips for Those Under Coronavirus QuarantineThe coronavirus quarantine began in the California counties of Sacramento, Palm Springs, Los Angeles and Ventura, issuing unprecedented orders for all residents to remain in their homes except for certain essential activities. Then Gov. Gavin Newsom expanded the order to all residents in the state. Many other states, including Illinois,...