Goralka Law firm Sacramento estate planningMom Was a Professional Chemist

By: John M. Goralka
Sacramento, CA

My mother was an amazing person. In an era when women typically did not have professional education or careers, she had a degree in Chemistry and worked for a number of years in a lab. The laboratory was located close to a residential neighborhood. She liked to tell the story of when there was an emergency drill and the entire facility was evacuated. She did not know this was a drill. She said the residents close by were shocked to see all these people in white coats sprinting as fast as possible out the front gate.

Life in Chicago

My mom’s father and his four (4) brothers were all policemen in Chicago. Pictures of them reminded me of the pictures you saw of gangsters in those days. They must have been very tough individuals to be police officers in those times.

My mom had two (2) sisters who were both teachers. My mom also taught for a short time. They taught in some of the most dangerous areas of Chicago. Their colleagues might leave school to find their car on blocks with no wheels. My mom was a petite lady, but she was exceedingly protective of her kids. You always knew she had your back, even if you were punished in private at home for your questionable adventure (such as throwing pomegranates at passing cars). 

Nine Kids

My mom taught all of us to read long before we started foSacramento estate planning Goralka Law Firmrmal school or kindergarten. A love of reading and a good story is shared by myself and all my siblings. 

My mom also raised nine (9) kids. If you have not had the privilege of growing up in a large family, you will never understand that experience. We lived on a ranch with our nearest neighbor about 2 miles away. We played a lot of board games which developed unique house, or Goralka, rules over the years. Heaven help a visiting friend trying to play.

Fun Memories

One of my favorite memories was an Easter upon which we all woke up to find a numbered string next to the bed. We each followed our string crisscrossing throughout the house, in and out of closets and various obstacles to find our easter baskets.

My parents found ways for us all to have fun together. Christmas was particularly memorable. Decorating the tree together was a tradition with many homemade, family ornaments along with fancy heirloom ornaments. That was in the day of the sparkling tinsel to throw on the tree over the lights. If there was something you needed (such as socks, underwear, paper, etc.) after about July, you would expect to find that wrapped and under the tree at Christmas. With 9 kids, the tree appeared to be in an ocean of presents. 

My parents are both gone now. We sold the ranch a some time ago, but the memories remain. The smell of garlicy spaghetti sauce or other favorite dishes remind me of my mom. My kids, when much younger, were enamored with my mom’s tuna fish salad. We still treasure those family recipes.

My parents did a great job. My siblings and I remain a close knit family. Each of them holds an advanced degree of some kind. Each of my brothers and sisters are intelligent, kind and caring persons. Education and maintaining family relationships were important for my mom. A great legacy for my mom.

Thank you Mom!

John Goralka is the lead attorney and founder of the Goralka Law Firm, P.C., and is an experienced Sacramento estate planning and tax planning lawyer.

For help in Sacramento with estate planning or tax planning, please contact our office.


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