Medicare and Medicaid What's the Difference in Sacramento

Medicare and Medicaid: What's the Difference?

By, John M. Goralka
Sacramento, CA 

If you have elderly parents, don’t wait to learn about Medicaid — sometimes referred to by a litany of other state names, like Medi-Cal and MassHealth. By any name, this is government insurance for people who have very little money that covers, among other things, the cost of home care and nursing home care when a recipient can no longer care for himself. 

Sometimes it seems like you need a PhD. in government bureaucracy to understand the fine print of Medicare and Medicaid. Medi-Cal is California's version of Medicaid. We will look at differences from a third-grade level. If you want the “Doctorate” version, however, speak to a qualified elder law attorney. We can assist you with the planning needed to protect your assets.

Since you may be called upon to decipher Medicaid for your parents, be sure to read a recent Forbes article titled “Medicaid And Your Parents: The Basics.

In general (third-grade) terms, Medicare is regulated totally by the federal government, and Medicaid is a joint program of both federal and state. The federal government sets the Medicaid guidelines, but the states will establish their own rules and programs within those boundaries.

Medicaid is “means-tested.” To qualify for Medicaid, an individual’s monthly income has to be below $2,000 or $3,000. His or her assets (not including a home, personal belongings, a car, and some other items) cannot be worth more than $2,000 to $15,000.

Remember: each state has its own threshold, within limits. In addition, the rules can vary not only by state, but also in some instances by county.

Sound complicated? It is. We can help you find the right answers and discuss your specific situation and how best to protect your assets.

Reference:  Forbes (February 11, 2014): “Medicaid And Your Parents: The Basics

John Goralka is the lead attorney and founder of the Goralka Law Firm, P.C., and is an experienced Sacramento estate planning and tax planning lawyer. For help in Sacramento with estate planning, business planning or tax planning, please contact our office.

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