Benjamin Franklin Said It BestTax Lawyer Sacramento Goralka

By, John M. Goralka
Sacramento, CA 

"The only things certain in life are death and taxes." - Benjamin Franklin

As California residents, we enjoy this wonderful weather, sunshine, beaches and mountains. Unfortunately, California residents have the second highest capital gains rates in the world, second only to Denmark. We face some of the very highest combined federal and state personal income tax rates in the Nation.
In this short video John Goralka will discuss trust options that can be used to reduce California income tax.
One of my very best friends, Ed, moved to Nevada, in part due to our oppressive tax rates. On March 8, 2013, the IRS issued Private Letter Ruling 20131002, which validates the tax treatment of the Nevada Incomplete Gift Non-Grantor (the "NING") Trust. The NING Trust is a special type of trust established by a resident of a state with a high income tax rate to reduce or even eliminate his or her state income taxes. The NING Trust would have been particularly helpful for Ed before he moved to Nevada. The NING Trust would have helped Ed to reduce his California income tax on investment income otherwise earned prior to his move. A properly structured NING Trust's accumulated ordinary income and capital gain will not be subject to California state income tax until distributions are actually made to the trust's beneficiaries. At that point only the distributed amount is subject to California state income tax and only if the beneficiary is a California resident when the distribution is made. Distributions to a beneficiary who has settled in Nevada or another state are free of California state income tax (but may be taxable in the beneficiary's resident state). Nevada does not have a state income tax.


  1. The trust is not taxable in California on trust income if no distributions to California beneficiaries are made. Therefore, the trust can serve as an accumulation trust and will enjoy many years of California tax free growth. The tax free growth compounds year after year because an additional 13.3% is preserved which will be invested for further growth. For California tax purposes, the NING Trust grows like an IRA as opposed to a regular taxable account. This works well because parents who fund irrevocable trusts for children who don't expect those trusts to make distributions for many years to come. They expect to use their own resources to pay for their children's ongoing support and education and are funding the trust now in order to remove the future appreciation of the trust assets from their estates for estate tax purposes.
  2. The NING Trust can use its accumulated funds to benefit a child without a distribution being made, and thus without subjecting the accumulated income and capital gain to California tax. For example, the NING Trust can purchase a home as a primary residence for an adult child and continue to hold the home as a trust asset. Because the beneficiary does not own the home, this strategy has the added benefit of protecting the asset from divorce, from creditors of the child and from estate tax in the child's estate.
  3. As noted above, if the beneficiaries have settled in different states by the time distributions are made, the distributions will not be subject to California income tax. The distributions may however be subject to tax in the state where the beneficiary is a resident.
  4. The total distributions to the beneficiaries over their lifetimes may end up being less than accumulated income and capital gain. The undistributed portion will therefore never be subject to California income tax, even for beneficiaries who are lifelong California residents.
  5. Federal tax savings may be possible in the right circumstances if a sale is triggering a large gain. Moving the gain from the personal tax return (1040) to the 1041 may prevent loss of the personal itemized deductions. Careful analysis is needed to be sure that the tax at the trust level warrants saving the loss of the itemized deductions.


The key component of this strategy is that the trust must not be taxable as a California resident trust. In order for the trust to be considered a nonresident trust, the trust must not have a California trustee.
Consider the following:
  1. The trustee cannot be a California resident. Such a trust will typically use an institutional trust company in a state like Delaware or South Dakota (since these states do not have an income tax). If the trust has an investment committee and distribution committee to direct the institutional trustee on investments and distributions, those committee members cannot be California residents. But the investment committee can direct the trustee to use California financial advisors to invest the trust assets. This allows the family to use the same financial advisor as they use for their overall investment strategy.
  2. The beneficiaries who live in California must only have "contingent interests" in the trust. This is a term of art for tax purposes. A trust clearly qualifies under this test if the trustee has sole discretion on distributions as the trustee determines to be in the best interest of the beneficiaries. A trust most likely qualifies if the trustee discretion is tied to the beneficiary's health, education, support and maintenance. The details around the correct verbiage must be carefully watched to meet this requirement.
  3. Any California source income would still be subject to California tax. However, income from investments such as interest, dividend and gains from sale of stock are considered investment income from intangible assets and therefore not considered California source income. Conversely, as an example, the gain from the sale of real estate located in California would be subject to California tax even if the trust is treated as a nonresident trust.
  4. Careful analysis is needed as undistributed income within the trust may be taxed at a higher Federal income tax rate which affects the overall tax savings. The California tax savings must be determined in light of any additional federal income tax. For the right client and circumstances, the NING Trust may provide substantial savings.


As detailed above, the unique benefits of the NING Trust can be significant. However, the NING Trust is not appropriate for everyone and careful analysis and planning is needed to know if the NING Trust is appropriate for you. The NING Trust, if appropriate, should be considered as part of your overall estate and tax planning strategy.
Please call our office to learn if the NING Trust would effectively minimize your California State income taxes.
John Goralka is the lead attorney and founder of the Goralka Law Firm, P.C., and is an experienced Sacramento estate planning and tax planning lawyer.
For help in Sacramento with estate planning, business planning or tax planning, please contact our office.
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